Rad Kaim was born in Poland where he graduated from the National Drama school. Pursuing his acting career he moved to London where he was introduced to Yoga. Rad has been teaching Hatha Yoga for the last 8 years. His style of teaching comes from an array of influences, teachings and traditions as he had the pleasure of training in many different styles, including Ashtanga, Iyengar, Anusara and Vinyasa. Deeply inspired by his mentor Noah Maze, he recently certified in the Maze Method. In the last few years he has become inspired by Kundalini Yoga and qualified as a KRI-certified teacher. He is interested in energy healing, meditation and life coaching. His prime interest is to inspire and empower students on their personal life journeys and to enable them to recognise their own definition of happiness, integrity and power.
Kooperationen mit der YCBA
Für ein umfassendes Yoga (und Pilates) Angebot im Studio der YogaCircle Berlin Akademie kooperieren wir mit ausgewählten Yogalehrerinnen und Yogalehrern.
Auf unsere Lehrer für Yoga, Pilates und Kinderyoga sind wir schon ein wenig stolz!
Gute Ausbildung, stete Weiterbildung und eine wunderbare Persönlichkeit haben sie alle und sorgen für höchste Unterrichtsqualität mit viel Empathie für jede(n) einzelnen Schüler(in).